Archangel Token


Archangel Token
Announcement Page


Apr. 11, 2023


35 herald post(s)

Upcoming NFT events!


Three upcoming events!  Mark your calendars and join in on the fun!  

3×3 Drawing:

When:  Random date between 17-21 April 2023.

Action:  10 drawn NFTs in 3 sub-collections (Babes, Dragons, & Pixels).

Win By: NFT holders who have a drawn NFT in each of the 3 sub-collections.

Prize:  $25 in USDC to each winning holder.


Super Sleuth #4:

When:  Conducted the week of 24-28 April 2023.

Action:  Sequence of clues dropped in TG.

Win By: Answering each clue in sequential order to correctly answer the final clue.

Prize:  $100 in USDC to the first person who posts the correct answer in main TG.  


NFT Bingo:

When:  13 May 2023.

Action:  20 NFTs drawn from each of the 6 primary sub-collections.

Win By: Landing a drawn NFT in each of the first 5 categories, finalist “Sudden Death” in the Dragons.

Prize:  6 different games, USDC awarded for $25 x 2, $50, $100, $250, and $500.


  • NFTs are 1-of-1 mints and are .02 Eth each. Search all the sub-collections as different NFT designs are added in random order within the collections.
  • Available on OpenSea: Archangel_NFT_Collections Click the “NFT” link on the ArchAngel Token website for direct collection links.
  • Proceeds from NFT Collection sales build up our Future Exchange Eth savings, execute buybacks for the staking pool, pay for marketing and advertising, and assist with continued project development.
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