DeFiant Platform Services
DeFiant Platform Services - Smart Contract creation. We put together the code for whatever specific features you’re looking for. Our marquee contract ...Continue Reading
Ecosystem project Scratch Engine will be providing all remaining Genesis tokens for the ARCHA Staking Pool (750T Scratch Tokens). 100% of those tokens ...Continue Reading
Guardian Platform announced today that Herald's Flashburn program has launched. Projects who build dashboards on Guardian's Stage 5 can create ...Continue Reading
Scratch Announcement
The Scratch Team has posted important messages in their telegram over the last week. All Scratch holders are encouraged to visit the Scratch TG to ...Continue Reading
Join Us on Live & In Person with Hero's
Hello ArchAngel Community! Please join Caddy and BCB with Hero's on Live & In Person Twitter Space this Thursday at 9 PM EST! To talk all things ...Continue Reading
ARCHA Staking Pool Cycle 3
Archa's 3rd staking pool cycle is in full swing and we're nearly halfway through the 90-day staking period already! Staked ARCHA does not need to be ...Continue Reading
Guardian Platform has launched its Herald component. Projects can now directly post updates related to their project. This allows the platform users ...Continue Reading
Members of the ArchAngel Token community have spent the past 10 weeks working with Guardian's Enterprise Manager to refine Herald requirements. The ...Continue Reading